Sunday, April 24, 2011

Welcome to Wear and Conquer!

Wear and Conquer is a simple blog dedicated to the Philippine and South Korean fashion scenes.

First up: Why the Philippines? Why (South) Korea?

Simple, because I'm Filipina, I'm proud of my roots and I'm a big fan of the Korean pop music scene. The latter has lead me to admire Korean culture as well. I'm also a beginner in writing for fashion so I decided to focus on my interests.

What's with the name "Wear and Conquer"?

The name was born out of ideas of conquest in modern Philippine and Korean cultures.

Filipino Culture

Renowned Filipina writer Jessica Zafra once wrote a witty piece entitled "World Domination" in an issue of Today newspaper back in 1994. Here she stated that Filipinos would one day dominate the world thanks to the power of our countrymen and women working as helpers in all parts of the globe. Since then, the category of Filipinos making it big abroad has expanded to include nurses, kitchen staff, engineers, information technology personnel, choreographers, dancers, global celebrities and musicians and fashion designers with Hollywood stars donning and toting creations from the likes of Josie Natori, Monique Lhuillier, Michael Cinco, Rafe Totengco and Bea Valdes just to name a few.

South Korean Culture

In 1999, Beijing-based journalists coined the term "hallyu" to refer to the growth of Korean entertainment in China. In English, it means "Korean wave". Since then, the Korean government has been very active in facilitating the country's culture's growth around the world. The wave has flowed not just to China, but to Taiwan, Japan and Southeast Asia, beginning with drama series and films such as the Endless Love series, My Sassy Girl, The Grudge and then was followed by the rise of pop groups to fame including Dong Ban Shin Ki, Girls' Generation, Super Junior and Big Bang among others. While Korean designers are yet to take the world stage, the growing global popularity of Korean shows, actors, actresses and pop groups have proven to be helpful in promoting the country's fashion culture.

What will this site feature?

News on fashion trends in the Philippines and South Korea, Filipino and Korean fashion designers and events and Filipino and South Korean fashion icons.

Will this site also feature other fashion scenes from time to time?

Yes. I do plan to expand this to include Asian fashion in general. And that covers all of Asia, including West Asia, which is more popularly known as Middle East.

Uhm, what about North Korea?

I don't really know if there's anything stylish from the land of Kim Jong Il and disturbingly beautiful synchronized dances, but IF I FIND SOMETHING FASHIONABLE from THAT side of Korea, then by all means, I shall make a feature on that!

Why is your page like this? Do you have anything against the West?

Hahahaha! No! I also adore Western fashion. It's just that I think it's cool to focus on the Asian scene more.